Sunday, July 3, 2011

Improve your understanding of safe havens in the fx market


a safe haven currency

A safe haven currency

is a currency that is considered to be safe during

geo-political and economic turmoil.

Consequently, when events like natural disasters,

war and stock exchange crashes occur, forex

traders invest in safe havens, causing the value of the safe haven currency to

rise and the value of currencies paired with it to fall, even though

the events may not have had an obvious impact

on the aforementioned currency.

What are the features of a safe haven currency?


to the popularity of the carry trade, interest rate differentials

have often been connected with

safe-haven status. Nonetheless this trend isn't consistent across

the market, as it only looks to be an element when

trading the currencies of advanced states in opposition to emerging states.

This suggests that the liquidity of the currency being

traded is a driver of safe-haven status, as major currency pairs

have larger liquidity than exotic currency pairs.

Also, when

worldwide risk aversion is high, liquidity in some markets may

dry up, causing traders to take a position in very

liquid currencies. In turn, this gives the most liquid currencies an extra boost.

For a country to be

thought to be safe and low risk, it should be

isolated from worldwide events in case there's a crisis, and it should have good

fundamentals, like industrial management and

strong industry. In theory, the currencies of

such states might be seen as safe

haven currencies.

In practice, it is

more difficult to gain isolation in

an increasingly globalised world. So factors like the size of a

country's stock market, which indicates its

finance development and market size, now appear to outweigh the external

vulnerability associated with its net foreign

asset position.

What are the main

safe haven currencies?

The USD,

CHF and JPY are all called safe haven currencies. However, because

of the carry trade the fact that the Japanese Yen rises

during periods of global

chaos is likelier to be a reversal of

investors' carry trades ( which generally go long on a

currency with a high interest rate against currencies with low interest rates,

like the yen ) instead of a conscious

investment in the currency.


is believed to be a safe-haven currency for a number

of reasons: first, the CHF is a particularly liquid currency and is paired with the USD.

Next, Switzerland has a highly competitive business

environment, along with low company tax, a

clear economy and a history of good

business management. Following,

Switzerland is historically neutral, so it is viewed as less

likely to be affected by political turmoil in

Europe than the euro. Fourth, the Swiss National Bank keeps a large

part of its reserves in gold, causing the

CHF to appreciate with the cost of gold.

Although the

CHF briefly dropped in value in the

global finance crisis due to its exposure

to the banking sector, it has since

regained its footing as a safe haven currency, and has

attracted investors as {several members of the eurozone|Greece,

Portugal, Italy and Ireland|several eurozone members|several

eurozone members (such as Greece, Italy, Ireland and Portugal |several members of the eurozone (such as

Greece, Italy, Ireland and Portugal struggle.

Why is the USD a safe haven


If we have a

look at the factors that contribute to a currency being a

safe haven, the US and the dollar don't measure up. The US is

not insulated from world events,

having major trading partners across North and Central America, Asia and

Europe. The US has not entirely recovered from the

finance crisis, with unemployment still around 10% and expansion having slowed again for the 3 quarters

to June 2011.

So why are

not currencies like the CAD and AUD (both of which are from nations that

didn't suffer from a banking crisis or a recession, and both of

which have robust economies and lower unemployment rates than the US)

thought to be safe haven currencies?

The Aussie

dollar, Canadian dollar and New Zealand dollar are all commodity

currencies, meaning that, as commodity exports contribute significantly to their GDP, they usually benefit

from strong commodity prices. Strong commodity prices are

inspired by a strong international economy,

meaning that when the world economy might be in peril, these currencies fall in value as investors turn to

safe havens.

So why is the US dollar considered to be a safe haven?

The most significant reasons for this are the size of the

US economy, including the

widespread utilisation of the US

dollar worldwide, the belief in the US dollar

as a safe-haven currency, and the liquidity of the US dollar.

The majority of fx trades involve the US dollar: the major currency pairs are all

paired with the US dollar, and formulas to work out

exchange rates between crosses ( currency pairs that don't contain the US

dollar ) use the US dollar exchange rate. As liquidity is how short-term currency traders make their profits, there are

continually numerous trades being made on the US dollar. In a risk

averse environment, we have already acknowledged that liquidity in some

markets dries up. This leads to more traders to invest in the most

liquid currencies, of which the USD is at the top

of the heap.

 As the USD has been said to be the world's top safe-haven

currency for years, there is a prevailing sentiment in the market

that the USD is safe, no matter what the present commercial

data might show. This is among the reasons

explaining why the USD strengthened in 2008

in spite of the financial

emergency: it was still seen to be more safe than

other markets.

The main

reason that the USD is considered to be a

safe haven currency is that the USD is "too big to fail".

Currently there are far more US dollars in circulation internationally than any other currency, with two thirds of

the remainder of the world's foreign reserves denominated in US

dollars. If the USD falls by too much, it will have

implications across world markets.

The dominance of the USD, and the dominance of the US in world

trade, means that other central banks won't permit the dollar to fail.     

Improve your knowledge of the currency markets and how to place a fx trade with education tools and free webinars.Remember: CFDs and forex are geared products and may result in losses that surpass your initial deposit. CFD trading might not be suitable for everyone, so please make sure that you understand completely the risks.

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